Registration (for class IX students)
- Registration form (Form - R) will be distributed through camp office in the month of July - August every year.
- The form will be filled up carefully, as per instruction and verified by school with School Admission Registor and Birth Registration certificate.
- Two passport size black & white photos of the applicant are to be pasted- one on school’s copy, another on the Board’s copy.
- Signatures of the applicant and the HM to be put on the form.
- Registration fees to be collected from students and deposited to the Board’s account through challan.
- Board’s copy of the form along with the challan to be submitted at the respective camp office on stipulated day.
Enrolment of students for MP (SE)
- Enrolment form (Form - A) for regular and (Form - B) for C.C. & Comp. candidate will be distributed through respective camp office.
- Fill- in the IFE (Internal Formative Evaluation) marks section of eligible candidates & put the candidate’s signature in proper column & row of the enrolment form.
- The entry of Candidates with registration number of earlier years to be done in blank enrolment forms.
- The enrolment forms to be checked and verified by the school and signed by the Head of the institution.
- Exam fees to be collected & deposited to Board’s account through challan.
- Enrolment form along with the challan to be submitted at respective camp office on the stipulated day.
Application for Amanuensis
- Download the application form for the amanuensis from the DOWNLOAD SECTION.
- Fill up the form accurately with name, registration number, roll number, MP examination year, and name of 02 nos. of amanuensis within the time stipulated by the board.
- Attach the required documents viz. registration certificate, admit card, disability certificate from Head of the Institution of the school of which amanuensis is a student, not higher than class IX, photograph of candidate and amanuensis with the form.
- Submit all the papers to the Board.
- Board will send the approval through the registered mail of the school.
## Application Form - Click Here
Application for Extra time
- Download the application form for extra time from the DOWNLOAD SECTION.
- Fill up the form with Name, Registration Number, Roll No., M.P Examination Year within the time stipulated by WBBSE.
- Attach the required documents viz. Registration Certificate/Admit Card, Disability Certificate of the candidate, Photograph of the candidate and save the same to submit it to the Board.
- Submit all the papers to the Board.
- Board will send the approval letter through the registered mail of the school.
## Application Form - Click Here
Post Publication Scrutiny / Post Publication Review
- The Post Publication Scrutiny / Post Publication Review form shall be downloaded from the DOWNLOAD SECTION.
- It is mandatory to put the roll number along with registration number in the form.
- The subjects viz. Bengali, English, mathematics etc for which the candidate is eligible for Post Publication Scrutiny / Post Publication Review must be mentioned.
- Payment to be made to the Board’s account through challan.
- All the papers are to be submitted to the respective Regional council Office.